Professor Hilary/Charrington, from 1984 Battersea Arts Centre, London, 2009
Puppet designed by Nick Barnes Puppeteer: Henry Maynard This puppet was originally made for 'Danny 306' at the Traverse Theatre with David Greig. More about 1984
Ogre, from El Gato Con Botas The New Victory Theatre, New York
Collaboration with Tectonic Theater Project & Gotham Chamber Opera Puppets designed by Nick Barnes Puppeteers: James Ortiz (head), Teddy Yudain (body), Marta Mozelle Macrostie (right arm), Joe Gallina (left arm), Jessica Scott (legs)
What are you made of? I have a fabric body with a skeleton structure and foam hands. My head is carved from Styrofoam set with jesmonite, with a moving mouth mechanism.
What show are you from? I was made in Jan 2015 for Citizen Puppet.
Who were you in the show? I started life as a hippie spiritual guidance counsellor but ended up as a Puppet Reverend, traumatised by my experience in the 'Nam... What are your favourite hobbies? Bingo, watching Poldark, and hosting a bimonthly 'it's a knockout' style assault course on the village green.
What have you been up to recently? I've been growing a variety of moustaches for 'Movember'. See the pictures on Blind Summit's Facebook page.
And since it's nearly Christmas, what do you hope to get from Santa? A box of wine and the Downton Abbey board game...