Tibu Fortes, a performer and puppeteer in the Globe's A Midsummer Night's Dream, had never worked with puppets before. We chatted with Tibu about his experiences working with Mark on the Changeling Boy in the show...
Can you tell us a little bit about your experience working on the Changeling Boy in the show?
Can you tell us a little bit about your experience working on the Changeling Boy in the show?
I have never worked with puppetry before so when we were first introduced to the Changeling Boy puppet it was very exciting. However, before Mark joined us at rehearsals it was quite a struggle - figuring out how his limbs worked, feeling that the stick holding his head was not long enough whilst also trying to make him seem alive - it was difficult. He just wouldn't come to life. After a couple of sessions with Mark, the boy started waking up and we could see the other actors interacting with the boy more - bright smiles on their faces as they worked with him.
What would you say is the hardest thing about puppetry for you?
It can be physically quite difficult. Even though we are doing very physical stuff in the show just as actors, having the puppet and allowing it its space requires you to contort or push your physicality in a more taxing way. I think it's both emotionally and physically draining.
Is there a particular puppetry technique/tip that has stayed in your memory since the rehearsal period?
After a little while in to the rehearsal process, it suddenly hit me to 'act' as if I were the little Changeling Boy - to see the world from his eyes and experience his wants and pleasures - then he immediately came to life!
A Midsummer Night's Dream plays until 11 September. Tickets available here: https://tickets.shakespearesglobe.com/eventlist.asp?shoid=140